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First, let me tell you how smart I am. So smart. My fifth-grade teacher said I was gifted in mathematics and, looking back, I have to admit that she was […]
An American research team wanted to know which combination of diet and exercise has the most beneficial results on metabolic syndrome in 10 weeks.
The case of a 7-year-old Australian boy who was supposed to lose sight at two weeks old but can still see has stunned scientists.
For older adults, playing video games isn’t just a way for older adults to keep in touch with the younger generation — it might be also be a way to stay in touch with memory itself.
What are the true motivations of people who cheat, and why do even happy spouses do it?
5 min
Documentary offers a surprisingly simple solution to improving medical care.
Some people like going to bed early in the evening and waking up at the crack of dawn. Others are most alive after the Sun has set, preferring the darkness […]
Who actually practices what they preach? Various studies suggest that blue states do a better job at staying married and avoiding teen pregnancy—but like all data, it’s not so simple.
Despite doubts from the healthcare industry, Watson recently identified a surprisingly high number of potential cancer treatments for real-life patients.
A new study investigates if pot smokers outperformed nonsmokers in creativity.
Perhaps you’re thinking you don’t know any non-monogamous people. But I wouldn’t be too sure.
Could vegetarianism actually lead to a lower quality of life?
There is no blueprint for how humans deal with grief and the death of a loved one. But Ariel Levy has some helpful insight as to how to begin the process.
3 min
Here’s the first evidence to challenge the “fastest sperm” narrative.
Find the right genes and we’ll have a way to prolong life and good health, perhaps indefinitely.
For teens, finding help alone can prove all but impossible. But is mental health skewed towards the white, young, and affluent? The need for a simple method to help these teens is clear, and urgent.
In this new study, mindfulness-based intervention in schools did not move the needle on teen anxiety, depression, or body image problems.
How to overcome anxiety in a time that tries men’s souls.
The big, unknowable questions in life are seductive, but without small, trivial questions as insulation, those large mysteries can consume us.
6 min
The results of two human clinical trials involving elderly patients suffering from frailty showed no adverse side effects and “remarkable” physical improvement.
Ramen isn’t going to be the next superfood, but it’s a little better than before.
If you want to feel less pain, meditate more often. According to this new research, it can genuinely erase the emotional reaction to pain. And since it’s long been said by coaches and some doctors that most pain is within the mind, here’s scientific proof to back that assertion up.
4 min
What are you capable of? David Goggins’ amazing and grueling feat of persistence shows how tough the human mind can be.
9 min
But if the campaign isn’t successful, this scourge could return with a vengeance.
These findings fit in with an overarching evolutionary theory on loneliness.
Experts say dependable scientific evidence has lagged behind.
A new study shows that psilocybin can “reset” the brain and put depression in the rear-view mirror.
A new report suggests Colorado’s legalization of recreational marijuana might be reducing opioid deaths in the state.
Your mindset can rewind aging, physically and mentally, as these jaw-dropping experiments show.
A common belief that regulations are a burden on businesses is challenged by Maryn McKenna’s book Big Chicken.