Mini Philosophy
Mini Philosophy is a space to explore ideas. It’s where we pause the busyness of life to reflect on ourselves, our relationships, and the Universe. Subscribe to the Mini Philosophy newsletter for exclusive access to interviews with the greatest philosophers in the world and to join a vibrant and supportive Mini Community.
Buddhism has rules for slaying your enemies. But the real surprise is finding out who your enemies actually are.
Jonny Thomson taught philosophy in Oxford for more than a decade before turning to writing full-time. He’s a columnist at Big Think and is the award-winning, bestselling author of three[…]
We need more science fiction-inspired thinking in how we approach AI research, argues AI expert Gary Marcus.
Jonny Thomson taught philosophy in Oxford for more than a decade before turning to writing full-time. He’s a columnist at Big Think and is the award-winning, bestselling author of three[…]
In the fight between head and heart, psychologists will win.
Is a repressed memory always so bad?
Is there a force keeping humanity in check?
Are fava beans and chianti really the best pairing for human liver?
God is not a vending machine, but is it wrong to treat him like one?
A reader asks whether we have an ethical responsibility to always debate bad beliefs, especially those that come from our elders.
If music is a window onto truth, what does screaming reveal?
How heavy is the mask that you wear?
The “Shopping Cart Litmus Test” is a popular meme about morality. What does it really reveal about one’s character?
A battle between different kinds of love.