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Whether you’re speaking at a wedding or your own TED Talk, here’s how you can make the experience a little less harrowing.
Studies have shown that dominant sexual activity can often boost your work ethic several days after a sexual experience.
More frequent sex has been linked with higher income rates, according to a 2013 study.
“One way the internet distorts our picture of ourselves is by feeding the human tendency to overestimate our knowledge of how the world works,” writes philosophy professor Michael Patrick Lynch.
There are scientifically proven ways you can improve your self-esteem, right now.
The path to sobriety isn’t one that can be traveled alone, studies suggest.
Is obsessive shopping a compulsion, an addiction, or both?
OCD sufferers cannot trust past experiences, making the future even harder to manage.
Effort-focused exercises often lead to better, more innovative ideas.
3 min
How reframing your emotions and changing your daily behavior can help you save money.
Our social emotions are now being hijacked by robots.
A study reveals these brains exhibit less cortical surface area and gray matter.
A deeper look at what happens in the first 2 years after experiencing sexual trauma.
It’s estimated that $68 trillion will pass down from Boomers to millennials. Here’s how ultra-rich families can do the most amount of good with what they inherit.
Infidelity, an inherently selfish behavior, has been analyzed by researchers to help us understand why people cheat in relationships.
Tweak the way you’re coping and you can lower your anxiety levels.
“I used to mountain climb… If I can’t walk anymore, I’ll crawl.”
Here’s a simple method for finding out whether those shouts are good-natured or not.
2 min
Derren Brown returns to the stage with his new live, one-man show, Showman. Check it out here.
6 min
Are you and your partner happy with your sex life?
Cognitive behavioral therapy has the Stoics to thank for inspiring this field.
They can be signs of how people feel in their relationship – and may send an important message to potential rivals.
The bonding experience is promoted by important neurological changes.
A therapist explains acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT).
Juggling conscious experience with the machinations of the mind can create the ultimate audience experience.
4 min
Or is “the hidden orientation” more complex than that?
Your answer might depend on whom the quote is attributed to, according to the results of a recent study.
Fear, not empathy, is the most powerful emotion in the world.
4 min
Do you struggle to remember your to-do list? Then this exercise is for you.
5 min
It doesn’t matter what you’re reading, as long as you’re reading.