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Most of us can’t imagine wanting absolute control over a nation or feeling compelled to commit mass murders — so then what is it about a dictator’s psychology that makes them different?
Math trauma can follow people beyond grade school to harm their prospects well into adulthood.
The choice of flavor may be up to you, but the number of scoops will depend on your friends.
Most of us have heard of Abraham Maslow and his hierarchy of needs, but Maslow doesn’t have a monopoly on self-actualization.
Most elderly individuals’ brains degrade over time, but some match — or even outperform — younger individuals on cognitive tests.
Repeating lies makes people believe they are true, show studies.
Why would people rate certain names as being more extraverted or more agreeable?
Trudging toward happiness: What is the hedonic treadmill?
Girls tend to have more advanced language skills than boys, the researchers state.
An expert’s take on how to ace your exams through mindfulness.
Anxiety provoked by an unavoidable threat — like an electric shock in a lab — increases as the expected event draws closer.
This unsettling new understanding of vegetative patients raises medical ethics issues.
When you combine feelings of resentment with the societal praise of leaving one’s mark, it forms a lethal cocktail.
3 min
How to deal with death in the digital age and save your loved ones from headache.
3 min
Mirror neurons bounce smiles from one person to the next.
Storytelling has been a human tradition for thousands of years and for good reason: It holds a powerful influence over our psychology.
Setting a simple intention and coming prepared can help you — and those around you — win big.
5 min
Cat owners are no more likely to be crazy than you.
In a new study, people who posted a lot of selfies were generally viewed as less likeable and more lonely.
Yet another study shows the potential efficacy of psychedelics in treating addiction.
As tempting as it may be to run away from emotionally-difficult situations, it’s important we confront them head-on.
5 min
Learn how to redesign your job for maximum reward.
5 min
Meditation doesn’t just reduce stress or make you a more spiritual person; it changes your brain in a variety of ways that can make it easier to learn new information.
This modern therapy technique has been shown to be effective and easy to learn — could teaching it to students help cut off a growing mental health crisis?
Check out these mysterious optical illusions that affect our visual perception.
The motivations behind this complex feeling.
Research suggests that you should adopt an ancient rhetorical method called ‘illeism’.
We like to think of creativity as an inherently good thing. History and science say otherwise.
Ever taken pleasure in someone else’s misfortune?