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From deejays to Debussy, it’s all brain food.
In her new documentary, Maxine Trump tackles the topic of choosing not to procreate.
Moral grandstanding is a vanity project that sabotages public discourse says moral philosopher Brandon Warmke.
7 min
Are we just making a profit from human emotions?
New research shows elevated risks of anxiety, depression, and suicide linked to perfectionism.
A new study shows success in a series of Phase 2 trials.
Being bilingual has cultural, social, and cognitive benefits — so why are schools dropping language courses?
Step inside the unlikely friendship of a former ACLU president and an ultra-conservative Supreme Court Justice.
5 min
Smart people are not afraid to say “I don’t know.”
When are you most optimistic? A study found how optimism varies throughout life.
Study finds that neurotic people deal with more “mental noise” than others.
Don’t denigrate immigrants, says Jared Diamond. You are one.
4 min
Phrases like “Global warming” and “climate change” don’t carry any weight.
A new study finds such kids excel in all cognitive areas.
Keith Whittington, Professor of Politics at Princeton University, breaks down three key free speech arguments by John Stuart Mill.
6 min
Tips on how to intensify engagement with what you’re reading.
2 min
Your co-workers could be causing your insomnia.
There’s few domains in life that aren’t improved by learning how to cook.
Research suggests that people with depression find sad music calming — or even uplifting.
Some basic areas we could all use some improvement in.
If you’re lacking confidence and feel like you could benefit from an ego boost, try writing your life story.
Taking care of our minds is an often neglected aspect of aging. What are we going to do about it?
1,500 study participants play Spot the Cheater