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What can parents and friends of trans people do to help them beat the dismal mental health and suicide statistics? A lot, says Elijah Nealy.
10 min
How does humanity arrive at great ideas? Simple: we take already great ideas and just arrive at even greater ideas.
7 min
Creative and original thinking takes both patience and practice. Because your brain is actively trying to fight it.
8 min
The brain of a gambling addict mimics that of a drug addict. But no outside chemicals are involved. How does that happen?
3 min
A newly discovered phenomenon shows that humans communicate outside of mere auditory and visual modes.
A first-ever study looks at how sibling bullying leads to the development of psychotic disorders later in life.
Researchers are looking into what this fratboy fish of the Mexican underwater cave systems can teach us about sleep regulation.
Want to work out more? Eat more healthily? Quit smoking? These neurons control the fate of your habits.
Anxiety disorders are common. Yet, many find current treatments methods only partially effective.
How does music influence behavior?
People get angry for all sorts of reasons, from the trivial ones (someone cut me off on the highway) to the really serious ones (people keep dying in Syria and […]
Philosophers aren’t known for their love lives, but a few have managed to be tragic romantics anyway.
Neuroscientists are now starting to put TMR to work.
The human brain is an incredible marvel of evolution. But what’s even more incredible is how this supercomputer in your head is able to occasionally make such dumb mistakes.
7 min
Before you reach for another glass of warm milk, read this.
Could these findings be used to boost creativity?
Have you ever been curious about how curiosity works?
Around 100 million adults in the United States are affected by chronic pain. What can we do about it?
“You” might not be as real as you think you are. Here’s what Buddhism has to say about living ego-free, and how Freud misunderstood it.
4 min
Consider stress junk food for your brain, while meditation is the gym that can repair and reshape you after years of a bad brain diet.
7 min
Imagined memory palaces are still used by memory champions and the few who practice the memory arts, but they are best known from Greco-Roman times.
The scientific quest for immortality is predicated on the belief that evidence may already exist in the form of Near-Death Experiences and reincarnation.
Keeping a gratitude journal is good for you on a number of fronts.
Now, you can add chanting to your brain training regimen.
Some say that great ideas come out of thin air. Neuroscientist David Eagleman posits that perhaps all great ideas are simply built upon old ideas, because thats what fuels the creative brain.
5 min
How useful are the algorithms dating sites use? According to one regulatory agency, not very.
Could it simply be pleasure for its own sake?
A brain process called “memory reactivation” can do wonders for your language learning abilities.
There now is compelling evidence to support the notion that much information about another person’s mind can be gleaned from his or her eyes.