The Past
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Humans help each other in ways animals don’t dream of, but why?
“The results change the perception of who a Viking actually was,” said project leader Professor Eske Willerslev.
“You dream about these kinds of moments when you’re a kid,” said lead paleontologist David Schmidt.
Fossils depicting animals in action are very rare.
Most of Stonehenge’s megaliths, called sarens, came from West Woods, Wiltshire.
Archaeologists suggest this may have been the Americas’ “oldest hotel.”
The discovery pushes back humanity’s history with domestication.
Artifacts uncovered in southeast Asia offer clues on early complex human cultures.
Researchers discover a massive ceremonial structure of the ancient Mayans using lasers.
While building a new airport, construction crews uncover a gigantic collection of ancient bones.
The discovery may change what we know about early humans in Europe.
Many of the bathrooms uncovered at Pompeii and elsewhere were communal.
Scientists discovered footprints made by some of the largest creatures ever to walk the Earth.
A new finding suggests Neanderthals were far from the big dumb brutes we make them out to be.
Ever had trouble finding reason to get out of bed? Marcus Aurelius has some advice for you.
A new dinosaur species related to Tyrannosaurs found in Canada.
Researchers confirmed that the mummy known as Takabuti died from a stab wound to the back.
Scientists used CT scanning and 3D-printing technology to re-create the voice of Nesyamun, an ancient Egyptian priest.
Carbonized papyrus scrolls may again see the light after thousands of years.
It’s strange to think that something that died 76m years ago plays a role in modern ecosystems, but life is opportunistic.
Sure, Epicureans focused on seeking pleasure – but they also did so much more.
The beads are made from red-deer teeth, sourced from 63 individual deer.
“In so far as bodily movements build the brain, every movement a human makes matters.”
Here are 7 often-overlooked World Heritage Sites, each with its own history.
There are reasons you look the way you do.
The artifact will be opened on Sunday, for the first time in millennia, at an undisclosed location in Egypt.
Archeologists had been doubtful since no such ship had ever been found.
The American Museum of Natural History presents the new, more accurate T. rex.