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Want to live in an energy efficient masterpiece? This startup has turned a costly overhaul into an opportunity for investors.
6 min
Researchers believe it may help uncover the secret to how the pyramid was built.
Though the sample size was small, the results are compelling.
In an age of bountiful data, there’s dark potential for how corporations and judicial systems could use private details to discriminate against innocent people.
4 min
Civil wars are a particularly brutal type of conflict. Warring sides are trapped inside a single border, the fighting can last decades, and peace may not last once the fighting stops.
You mad, bro? The way that Facebook (and Twitter) manipulates your brain should be the very thing that outrages us the most.
7 min
Richard Thaler is trying to simplify economics. So they gave him the Nobel Prize.
Are you more likely to think everything is going well with your finances if the politics of your country’s leaders align with yours? One new study says yes.
A children’s hospital is “the first of many solar + storage projects going live” on the island, Elon Musk announced.
Forty percent of Americans sleep less than seven hours per night, and that’s a problem.
Considering that the United States remains the world’s only superpower, that begs the question: How informed are Americans when it comes to their country’s vast global power?
Several interpretations of the Constitution say that Trump has already broken the law by threatening free speech concerning the NFL. When can we start impeachment proceedings?
Should there be a ceiling to the ambitions of Silicon Valley? It seems like a decisive “no,” according to the people who want to build new societies online, atop the ocean, and on Mars.
Mark Twain once said that God created war so that Americans would learn geography. Twain died before World War I, but his sardonic remark still has meaning.
Following 14,000 people since the 1940s, these cohort studies offer insights into parenting, education, health, and the impact of poverty.
Here’s how the government improves your life without you knowing it.
8 min
Here’s what Israel Guillen learned about life by studying 8 hours a day during his 22-year prison sentence.
8 min
A Midwestern university has created a first-of-its-kind program in medicinal plant chemistry that focuses on marijuana.
In the US Army, taking a knee has a special connotation.
Sen. John McCain announced he’ll be voting against GOP legislation that would repeal the Affordable Care Act.
In an analysis of more than 140 million of its U.S. members, LinkedIn identified a key difference between how men and women present themselves in their profiles.
We are on the verge of the ‘Total Work’ dystopia, a prediction first made in 1948. Can Universal Basic Income wake us from our stupor?
8 min
By using the DoNotPay chatbot, you may be able to quickly file a small-claims case against Equifax for up to $25,000.
Anyone can develop a great eye for design, according to the designer who led the team that created the iPod.
The #1 problem with America’s mission to spread democracy? We don’t know how to do it.
9 min
Polygamy has been denounced by the Mormon church for more than 100 years. So why does the stereotype persist?
The most revelatory answers in life come from complex, diverse populations. Technology can open our eyes to what we’re missing and destroy our subconscious biases in one fell swoop.
4 min
Hans Monderman believed that societies could make roads safer by making drivers more uncertain, and therefore alert.
Scientists have developed an algorithm that reliably detects the signs of Alzheimer’s dementia before its onset.