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Regularities, which we associate with laws of nature, require an explanation.
Could a pill make you more moral? Should you take it if it could?
Scientists believe they have the answer, but philosophers prove them wrong.
How imagining the worst case scenario can help calm anxiety.
Dancing, for Nietzsche, was another way of saying Yes! to life.
Modern science progresses with an intensity and even irrationality that Aristotle could not fathom.
Think of the nicest person you know. The person who would fit into any group configuration, who no one can dislike, or who makes a room warmer and happier just […]
Our brains make snap moral decisions in mere seconds.
Escaping the marshmallow brain trap.
6 min
Philosophers, theoretical physicists, psychologists, and others consider what or who is really in control.
19 min
The ‘reasonable person’ represents someone who is both common and good.
How the German political philosopher called out Henry David Thoreau on civil disobedience.
There is no success without failure, but the fear of the latter is what’s really keeping you from achieving your goals.
15 min
Being skeptical isn’t just about being contrarian. It’s about asking the right questions of ourselves and others to gain understanding.
15 min
Most people seem to enjoy liberalism and its spin offs, but what is it exactly? Where did the idea come from?
And if they could, would they care, asks philosopher John Gray in his new book.
Technology of the future is shaped by the questions we ask and the ethical decisions we make today.
5 min
How does philosophy try to balance having free will with living in a deterministic universe?
It’s a common misconception that to be a Stoic is to be in possession of a stiff upper lip.
What can ‘behaviorism’ teach us about ourselves?
Life is absurd, that detail can be the start of a great many things.
Lovers are parted from lovers, (grand)parents from children, families from their dead.
Knowing what to do is one thing, doing it is another.
To understand ourselves and our place in the universe, “we should have humility but also self-respect,” Frank Wilczek writes in a new book.
The Persian polymath and philosopher of the Islamic Golden Age teaches us about self-awareness.
Imagine Heraclitus spending an afternoon down by the river…
Learn how to practice “self-indifference.”
Nihilism is not a choice or intellectual commitment, but a feeling that simply arrives.
For centuries, universities have advanced humanity toward truth. Professor Jonathan Haidt speaks to why college campuses are suddenly heading in the opposite direction.