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You’re probably already in a complex adaptive system. You may as well learn how to be effective in one.
10 min
The larger the stakes and scope, the less likely a conspiracy theory is to be true.
4 min
Learn how to lean into difficult times and build your resilience.
Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy?
8 min
Isolation and empathy are by no means mutually exclusive.
Should pharmaceutical companies pay people for their plasma? Here’s why paid plasma is a hot ethical issue.
17 min
All that matters is the here and now.
4 min
Practicing Socratic ignorance, or avoiding certainty of our own knowledge, diminishes inequality and pushes us in our search for wisdom.
6 min
Why finding joy is more easily attainable than the pursuit of happiness.
9 min
If you feel like you’re on a hamster wheel in life, it might be time for a powershift.
4 min
Learn how to negotiate like a shark. Here are Shark Tank investor Daymond John’s tips for powerful communication.
2 min
Distraction at work is a symptom of cultural dysfunction, not a symptom of technology, as many people claim.
3 min
The Buddha wasn’t concerned with transcendence, but rather fully embodying the moment.
Play and experimentation are the keys to creativity and innovation.
5 min
These three tactics will help you focus on the task at hand.
4 min
Beware of the “fallacy of excessive expertise.”
3 min
Deciding how we ought to live is one of the greatest challenges of being alive. Ask yourself these important questions to gain clarity, with philosopher Peter Singer.
7 min
Do you get worried or angry? Ever forget to tithe? One minister has bad news for you.
What leads people to believe in “chi” attacks and “no-touch” knockouts?
We all know somebody who avoids meat. These schools of thought suggest those people are onto something.
Philosophy professor James Sterba revives a very old argument.
Living 150 years sounds great… till you consider the effects on population.
The new podcast is a deep dive into human nature.
We live in contradiction. How we confront that fact matters.
From the Aquinas viewpoint, it was both a human and divine process.
Researchers found that the hearts of Sufi devotees harmonized as one during a mystical practice. And this isn’t the first study to show heart synchronization between people.
A bit of planning goes a long way.