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In this short video, he compares the outset of Buddhism with the biblical garden.
Jamie Aten is an expert on the science of dealing with Really Bad Things.
Jesus wasn’t about promoting divisiveness.
4 min
What would you do if money was no object?
Buddhism and Western science converge on a number of ideas.
Einstein’s God is infinitely superior but impersonal and intangible, subtle but not malicious. He is also firmly determinist.
The countdown continues! This is the 7th most popular video of 2018.
4 min
Was Jesus a real historical figure? Here’s what we know.
Going mad with Christmas cheer? Try one of these alternatives.
What we can learn from King Abdullah II, 2018 Templeton Prize Laureate.
Synthesizing the vast research in the scientific study of religion is a huge task.
It’s not what you have, it’s what you do with it.
Marcelo Gleiser and Alister McGrath discuss truth and meaning in an indifferent universe.
There are many ways to posit the fundamental nature of reality.
Where is God? Michelle Thaller lays out a cosmic view of religion, science, and the human condition.
5 min
Christmas has many pagan and secular traditions that early Christians incorporated into this new holiday.
The famed author headed to the pond thanks to Indian philosophy.
Comedy, A.I.-style. Our roving reporter, Evan Fleischer, went into The Laughing Room and here’s what happened
With his collected letters recently being published, it’s time to revisit this extraordinary thinker.
A Muslim professor teaches how religions can co-exist.
All the prayers in the world to the Flying Spaghetti Monster probably won’t help.
This parody documentary skewers both the skeptic and the superstitious, and accurately shows what issues skeptics face.
Maybe we should stop worrying about what happens after we die, and make the best of what we have on earth right now.
6 min
High-level official LeClair suppressed her sexuality for decades. Now that she’s out, she’s speaking up.
It’s hard to quantify what it means to be good, but this framework takes a stab at breaking down what makes people behave nicely.
Research calls into question the separation of church and state in the United States.